Boise 310 Lodge announced that Ken Downend passed away on 10/28/2022. He was born on 2/25/1924. He was 98 years old when he passed away. He was a lifelong Elks, serving the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks for the last 74 years. During that time he served in many offices, local, as well as state; committee member, Trustee, Historian; became an Honorary Life Member in 1985, and in the Hall of Honor, State Elks Association in 1990. He served as Chairman of the Elks Rehabilitation Hospital Board twice (1990-1995, 1998-2004) and volunteered at the hospital for many years.
Services will be held at Alden Waggoner, 5400 Fairview Ave, Boise, Wednesday, November 9, 2022 at 1:00 pm.