Harrisonburg 450’s Sixty-sixth Annual Christmas Basket Charity in December 2021 unexpectedly became a Legacy Of Charity! Maggie and Hannah Nelson, Elks Legacy Scholarship recipients and local college students, volunteered to help pack and distribute 360 baskets of food. Christmastime 2021 was extra special to Lodge 450 as the Shenandoah Valley Elks legacy of giving was shared with Maggie and Hannah, who are granddaughters of Walter C. Nelson, a member of Gooding, Idaho Lodge 1745.
With a cumulative charity value of over $1,000,000, the annual event brings generations of local Elks together to share the makings of a complete turkey dinner with needy families. Caring and sharing across America and across generations; what a special gift we have as Elks!
Submitted by Dr. Robert Hinkle Send comments to webmaster@virginiaelks.org